
It’s hard to wrap my mind around just how much has changed over the span of seven days.

I mean, let’s just take a sec to rewind to last Tuesday, shall we?

March 10, 2020
We roll-up to the office to start the week and go about our typical, day-to-day activities.
Our free time is spent searching airfare and resorts for upcoming summer vacations plans
and speculating the results of the Bachelor finale with coworkers over lunch.  

Now, we’re here.

March 17, 2020
We’re in the middle of a world-wide pandemic.
Pilot Pete and his narcissistic mother Barb are the furthest thing from our mind.
Most of us are experiencing a heathy dose of anxiety and, apparently,
many of us are raiding the grocery stores for toilet paper in hopes to make it to the
other side of this Covid-19 crisis with a clean ass.

Schools? Shut down.
Brick and mortar stores? Closed.
Restaurants? Restricted to delivery only.
Office buildings? Requiring remote work.

These changes have been made indefinitely and life as we’ve known it
has been, quite literally, flipped on its head.

It’s a lot to process and I know many are concerned about the
impact social distancing, isolation and remote work will have on their
mental health over the coming weeks.

These are valid concerns
and while I do not have specific, fool-proof hacks to
ensure you maintain a healthy mental state during this trying time,
I do have first-hand experience with working remotely for an extended period of time.

See, I’ve worked *exclusively* from my home
for the last three years as a freelancer writer.

Being a freelance writer has afforded me flexibility
to create my own schedule, manage my own work load
and choose my own setting to perform said work.

And, although I am able to work at coffee shops, bookstores, and other locations I have never (ever!)
chosen to work anywhere outside of my home. Like… ever. I’d miss my dogs too much, ya know?

Again, I don’t have a magic method to keep you
mentally healthy during this strange time but
I do have expertise with this whole self-isolation thing
and I’ve figured out several ways to make it bearable
and — daresay — enjoyable.

I hope some of my tips for working at home will help you as much as they’ve helped me.





Wake up, wash your face, slap on some makeup and put on a cute outfit before you start your day.

Listen, I know how deliciously tempting it sounds to just roll out of bed, splash some water on your face and throw on a fresh pair of pajama pants before sitting down to work for the day.  

I get it, I really do. But please trust me when I tell you that this is not a good idea.

Go through the motions of your typical morning routine.

Put on your favorite blush and swipe on a few coats of mascara even if literally no one sees you the entire day.

Slip into your favorite pair of jeans and spritz on your signature scent before tackling your to-do list.

Because, it’s true what the proverbial “they” say:
When you look good, you feel good.


Schedules and structure are your friend during isolation.

Adhering to a thoughtful schedule will provide you and your household with a sense of security during a time where everything outside your four walls feels like it’s falling apart.

My tips?

Go to bed at a decent hour, wake up at your normal time and resist your urge to work through lunch.

Take breaks like you typically would in an office
setting but be mindful of your time away from your workspace.



Okay, so you know my best friend Katie? I’m obsessed with her so you probably do.
Well, our best-friendship started off as a deeply committed work-wife relationship
while we both worked as editorial interns for HGTV.com in 2016.

At the end of our internships in 2017, I moved to Charlotte and she moved up to
Michigan and from there, we both embarked on our freelance writing careers.

Voice notes (or voice memos, whatevs) have been our SAVING GRACE to keep our long-distance friendship alive and ourselves SANE while working independently over the last three years.

We send each other voice notes throughout the day, M-F and treat the time listening and replying as “breaks” or “meetings” with our co-worker.

I’ve seen a lot of talk about using Facetime to stay connected and while Facetime is a phenomenal tool for personal connection, it can be extremely disruptive to your productivity.

Voice notes are an incredible alternative because they allow you to hear your bestie’s voice and have real, meaningful conversations
without totally disrupting your schedule in the process.



If you’re blessed enough to have a fur baby during this time,
be sure to take advantage of their companionship.
There’s a reason why people have emotional support animals.

Their love and infectiously joyful energy is incredibly therapeutic
and will do wonders to keep feelings of loneliness at bay.

Like, there’s no doubt in my mind that I would have 100%
lost my sanity by now if I didn’t have my Theodore and Eleanor
to hang out with every day.

Joey can attest.



Working remotely can become very stagnant, very quickly.
I’ve found that having an external project to pour energy into creates a sense of satisfaction and excitement in my day-to-day routine.

Example: One of our best investments lately is a $20 bird feeder hanging off our back deck.

I know, I say this with the risk of sounding like a total whack-a-doo but whatever. It’s true.

Joey set up the feeder outside our living room window so when I take my (crucial) coffee breaks throughout the day, I’m able to spy on all the birds that stop by.

A cute cardinal couple (fun fact: cardinals are monogamous!) stops by every day, twice a day, to enjoy a lunch and dinner date. A few chickadees have flown in for an afternoon snack, too!

Another idea:
Over the weekend, Joey surprised me with my next nurture project
to get me through the foreseeable future: two gardenia bushes.

Gardenias are my all-time favorite flower so I’m really looking
forward to tending to the blooms each day as part of my morning routine.



Set the tone for success in your space by tantalizing your senses.

Use candles to create both a visual warm and cozy environment
and envelop your work space with a fresh, springtime scent.

Another tip? Create a dedicated, “office hours” playlist filled with uplifting songs
to encourage productivity and positivity throughout the workday.

My go-to ambiance combination is a gardenia and/or jasmine scented candle and an lively, Bossa Nova playlist. Notable mention: mint/eucalyptus candle for their energizing effect.

7 || BYOB



One very, very small silver lining to required remote working is that you can save some money by skipping the Starbucks line and making your coffee at home!

It’s taken some trial and error but I’ve finally perfected my coffee drink and it makes my morning and afternoon workload a little sweeter each day.

Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce K-Cups
Sprinkle of Cinnamon
Dash of Splenda
Vital Proteins Collagen Powder (1-2 scoops)
Califia Coconut Almond Milk


Half the battle to working from home is simply showing up.
Put a stop to procrastination before it starts by creating an inviting and stylish workspace that you *actually* want to spend time at every day.

Use stacks of glossy hardcover books, dreamy art prints,
a collection of framed family photos, sleek stationary and a
few cheeky tchotchkes to pack a punch of personality to your space.



Never underestimate the impact a cluttered desk will have on your productivity – or mood, for that matter.

Do yourself a solid and spend the 5-10 minutes it takes
to clear your desk of any clutter at the end of each work day.

Take your half-empty coffee mug to the sink,
wipe down your desk, toss any loose papers and
get the space back to neutral before clocking out for the evening.



Listen, I won’t tell you to go for a run or work out in your yard because I rarely do anything “active” – oops.

But and however, I will tell you that getting outside and exposing yourself to fresh air and sunshine is a HUGE must
for improving your mood.

Yes, even during the dead of winter when it’s 30 degrees out there – sunshine will do wonders for you.

Not feeling up for an outdoor adventure?

Pull back your curtains and open your blinds to let natural sunlight in to energize your workspace.