A little tenacity goes a long way.


never take
“no” for an answer.

It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?
Full disclosure: I’ve been struggling to share lately.

I’m a one-track mind kinda girl and sharing
decor inspo and my go-to makeup products just hasn’t
felt as easy or natural as it normally does.

My mind has been somewhere else, entirely.
Working in overdrive and agonizing over whether or not
my efforts would be enough to overcome a deeply discouraging,
personal setback I experienced last fall.

Fast forward to the past month:
I’ve spent the majority of my waking hours
on autopilot, going through my everyday tasks in tandem
to wrestling my inner dialogue, mentally preparing for all possible outcomes,
tempering my expectations while simultaneously attempting to remain optimistic
and, of course, bracing myself for the worst case scenario(s).

The good news?
Of the 10-15+ unique, dramatic and
extensively in-depth worst case scenarios
( I mean, I’m nothing if not creative, ya know?)
that I spun out of thin air, not a single one came into fruition.
Not one.

Turns out, my hard work paid off.

I overcame my setback.

I did it.
Despite being told (repeatedly!)
that I couldn’t, I shouldn’t, and that I would not,
under any circumstances,
be able to overcome this hurdle — I did.

Because, here’s the thing to know about me: 
Nothing motivates me more in life than being told that I can’t do something. 
Than being underestimated. 
Than having someone — anyone — doubt my abilities
to overcome, to succeed or to thrive. 

The moment I was told I could not achieve what I wanted was
the very same moment I knew that I would.

Which, brings me to the words I live by every single day:



There will be times in
life that you’re met with doubt.
Times you’re underestimated.
Times you’re greeted by resistance.
Moments where you’re turned away,
shut out and shut down.

And when you’re faced with a proverbial, slamming door,
I encourage you to take a step back and remind yourself of who you are,
the obstacles you’ve already overcome and the power you already possess
to achieve your goal and prove them wrong.

In those inevitable moments of “no”,
I urge you to tap into your tenacity.

To pivot. To shift. To swerve. To evolve.

Rise with resiliency and grit to whatever challenge,
obstacle or uninformed naysayer you’re up against and do
whatever it takes to make them regret that
they ever doubted you in the first place.

Let that harsh, heart-shattering “no”
be the bedrock you build yourself up from to
become the version of yourself where the only appropriate
or warranted response that follows when you walk into a room and
ask for what you want — for what you deserve —
is an inarguable, undeniable, unmistakeable,
and all-around resounding:
